While replacing your damaged hearing aids may be the best answer in some cases — it gives you the opportunity to upgrade your technology — there are some common hearing aid repairs that you can try if you’re having problems with one or both of your devices. Try these quick fixes:
Replace your battery
Remove and reinsert your hearing aid
Clean your hearing aid using a cleaning tool
Replace the wax filter
Open and close the battery compartment
Make sure the battery compartment is free of obstructions
Check your input settings
Troubleshooting Tips & Repair
How Much Do Hearing Aid Repairs Cost?
The cost to fix a broken or damaged hearing aid varies based on a few things: whether the hearing aid is still under warranty, how damaged the device is, and the cost of replacement parts for your unit.
If you bought your hearing system from Superior Hearing Solutions and it is still under warranty, your repair costs will likely be minimal — if there’s a charge at all. Hearing aids that are no longer under warranty or that were purchased elsewhere may cost more to fix. Cracked shells on custom-molded devices can be expensive, but in many cases these cracks can be repaired.
When Is Your Hearing Aid Beyond Repair?
It takes a hearing aid expert to properly diagnose a damaged hearing aid, but you can assume your hearing aids are beyond repair if:
Your devices are more than five years old. Hearing aids typically last for four to five years. If your hearing aids are beyond three years old, repair needs are likely to pile up, in which case it makes more financial sense to get some new devices.
The damage is visible. Although the damage may not be as bad as it looks, if your hearing aid has been stepped on or smashed in some other way, it may be unfixable.
Your hearing aids have an extensive repair history. If your hearing aid has undergone multiple repairs for the same or different issues, it may be beyond saving. Much like a totaled car, a hearing aid needing that many fixes to be functional may simply no longer be worth the repair cost, and it may make more sense financially to invest in some new units.
A manufacturer’s warranty essentially states that the product should last five years — nothing beyond that is guaranteed. Balancing the cost of repairs with the cost of a new system (and how it will benefit your life) can be tricky, but our practice can help you determine a proper course of action after diagnosing the damage and estimating repair costs.
If you’re having any trouble with your hearing aids, please contact us. We’re more than happy to help you get your devices back in working order, or to help you determine what options are available to fix your broken hearing aid.
“I suffer from noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus. I have lived in Airdrie for several years and had to utilize services of this nature in Calgary. I took advantage of Superior Hearing Solutions shortly after it opened in Airdrie. I am very pleased with the initial examination, fitting and subsequent care provided by the clinic. Every effort was undertaken and given to deliver the best product available within my budget. Further to this, I am impressed with the timely follow up performed for the care and cleaning of the product. The staff is quite knowledgeable, pleasant to deal with and every effort is made to satisfy and tend to your needs.”
- David L.